Note to Self Chronicles: Smiles | Life Lessons | Insights 61-70
“Note to Self Chronicles shares personal reflections and light-hearted moments—small lessons I’ve gathered along the way about personal growth, relationships, work, and mindfulness. I hope these thoughts resonate with you as they have with me.”
~ Tony Brigmon
61. “The Power of Imagination: Innovation: To see what others see and then imagine what others don’t. You can do this—imagine that!”
—Note to Self Chronicles:
Smiles | Life Lessons | Insights—
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#Innovate, #ImagineThat, #SeeDifferently, #CreativeThinking, #ThinkOutsideTheBox, #InnovationMindset
62. “Unleashing Creativity: The best way to a great idea is to host an ideas party and invite all the wild and wacky ideas to dance—to the tune of ‘Thank You’!”
—Note to Self Chronicles:
Smiles | Life Lessons | Insights—
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#CreativityUnleashed, #IdeasParty, #WildIdeas, #ThinkCreative, #Brainstorming, #Innovation
63. “Allies, Not Subordinates: Lead with them, not above them—you’ll earn their loyalty and avoid the sting of ‘friendly fire’!”
—Note to Self Chronicles:
Smiles | Life Lessons | Insights—
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#LeadAsEquals, #SideBySideLeadership, #NoFriendlyFire, #LeadershipDevelopment, #InclusiveLeadership, #Teamwork
64. “Inspire Or Expire: If you’re leading and no one is following, you’re not the leader—you’re the loner. Learn how to lead from a ‘leader’ or your leadership is a goner! “
—Note to Self Chronicles:
Smiles | Life Lessons | Insights—
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#InspireToLead, #FollowOrFade, #LeadershipLessons, #LeadershipGoals, #MotivationMonday, #LeadershipMatters
65. “Macro Management: If you don’t make a macro out of a micro, you’ll handle the micro better. You can MACRO this!”
—Note to Self Chronicles:
Smiles | Life Lessons | Insights—
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#MacroMindset, #FunInFocus, #TransformYourPerspective, #BigPictureThinking, #EffectiveLeadership, #StrategicMindset
66. “Strength Through Struggle: The struggle from today gives us the strength we’ll need tomorrow—but what if we’re having fun today? Both are part of the journey!”
—Note to Self Chronicles:
Smiles | Life Lessons | Insights—
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#StrengthThroughStruggle, #GrowthJourney, #StrongerTomorrow, #EmbraceTheProcess, #ResilienceInAction, #JoyInTheJourney
67. “Decision Making Hack: Got multiple choices? Pick a winner from the first two, then let the champ face the next contender—repeat until you crown the ultimate choice!”
—Note to Self Chronicles:
Smiles | Life Lessons | Insights—
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#DecisionMakingHack, #BattleOfChoices, #ChoiceElimination, #WinnerTakesAll, #SmartChoices, #StreamlineYourDecisions
68. “Pause and Reflect: Bad moods don’t make good decisions. Never make an important decision when you’re in one—wait till you feel better and then decide!”
—Note to Self Chronicles:
Smiles | Life Lessons | Insights—
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#PauseAndReflect, #BetterDecisions, #MoodMatters, #EmotionalIntelligence, #MindfulDecisions, #ClarityBeforeChoice
69. “Progress Not Perfection: A Masterpiece was a work in progress that kept going. As a work in progress, that’s all YOU have to do—keep working. Keep going!”
—Note to Self Chronicles:
Smiles | Life Lessons | Insights—
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#ProgressNotPerfection #MasterpieceInProgress #KeepGoing, #EmbraceTheJourney, #GrowthMindset, #CelebrateProgress
70. “From Me to We: When WE stops being fun, someone changed WE to ME. Good news: WE can change it back to FUN—let’s do it together!”
—Note to Self Chronicles:
Smiles | Life Lessons | Insights—
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#FromMeToWe #WeIsBetter #TeamSpirit, #TogetherWeThrive, #UnityInFun, #JoyInCommunity